Chess Players Score Higher on Torrance and Watson-Glaser Tests
Chess players score higher on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking as well as the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.
Chess has long been recognized as a fantastic learning tool for children in school. When your child engages in a chess game, they’re not only having a great time but also honing their problem-solving skills, forming their executive function, and building intellectual abilities and character strength.
This means that enjoying chess will help improve academic performance in subjects like English comprehension, Mathematics logic, English, and Scientific methods of problem-solving.
You must know that when children learn how Knights, Rooks, and Bishops move, they practice geometry and spatial patterns coupled with decision mapping based on cause and effect. That’s right! They’re developing problem-solving skills by practicing their foresight; their ability to think ahead and reverse engineer complex problems to find solutions. And the mathematical calculations needed during a game of chess further improve their skills in math and acuity. All of these problem-solving skills are crucial in the game of chess.
Chess also sharpens your debating skills as often we need to discuss and justify our move or position which enhances your child’s communication skills. But no skill greater than memory recall is practiced and improved as at Smart Kids Chess we baked into our chess classes over 68 different study techniques student can use to enhance their memory recall skills for both chess tactics but also for their school. Chess is a highly structured game that requires following specific rules to advance, much like in school!
As your child continues to play chess, you’ll notice a boost in your child’s self-confidence. They’ll learn to be patient and focused, and their concentration will steadily improve. As a chess player they’ll soon understand that success comes after many trials and errors, (cause and effect) which teaches persistence — the key to success in life!
If your child is facing challenges in school, we can help them with chess and combined study techniques to help them in school and significantly uplift their self-esteem!
We learn chess simply because it’s enjoyable and educational!
Written by: Andre Champagne,
January 2, 2006
Chess players score higher on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking as well as the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.
Boost your child’s brain with chess! Studies show just 15 hours of chess can enhance creativity, problem-solving, planning, and even reshape brain activity. Whether for sharper thinking or future innovation, chess is the ultimate mental workout for kids aged 7-16!
Chess improves kids’ problem-solving, critical thinking, and boosts math and reading scores.
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